Hi everyone,
As we say, “Safe travels!” to our bella hummingbirds and “Can’t wait to see your return next year in April…”
I thought that I would share with you the messages that were gifted to you when you did encounter these amazing, gorgeous birds.
When your hummingbirds appear in your life,
Feel the Joy, Love and Playful energy of this magical bird.
They are true miracles of accomplishing the impossible.
They open up your heart chakra so you can give and receive Love…
Love is the Strongest Force in the Universe…
You feel the abundant energy, joy, and gratitude when you choose to work with this totem. This has been my totem for a very long time.
They run from negative energy; they truly know and feel it…
They keep our world in balance…
Showing us that we can have fun, play and lighten up, no matter what is going on around us.
While in our flower gardens all summer, when they appeared, it was such a gift of Love and “Wow!”. The figure eight that they represent is the infinity symbol ( Forever ).
Hold on to that loving energy as you head into fall and winter- it will keep you strong and positive.
To all of our hummingbirds, “Safe travels south!”
Can’t wait for your return next year.
We will be waiting patiently for you…
Happy journey…