
Sarah came out of her reading and shared with me how beautiful the reading was; she was glowing!


Next out of her mouth she says to me, “Meg, did you know when the sun isn’t out, two sunflowers turn to each other and face each other?”


I responded, “Wow, I love that; thank you for sharing.”


As she left the store, Paul Anthony entered my store, asking me if I had a sunflower pendant for someone special. Paul Anthony shared with me his painting of 2 sunflowers. He said, “Did you know that when the sun isn’t out, they face each other?” 


Then he sees Emma’s face mask full of sunflowers. So, I mention to him Paige will be in here soon with a sunflower mask. Right after, Paige walks in with masks she made. He says “This must be Paige,” as she walked in. 


I do believe in synchronicity. Things do happen in threes. 


Enjoy the journey.

