It’s the first New Moon of the year!

Hi everyone!

I hope that you all survived Mercury in retrograde! I’m just so happy it’s over (until the next one, that is!). You truly are affected by it, especially when a family member’s sign is ruled by Mercury. The energy seeps into your sacred space, even when we have the tools to work through it!

Now that it’s over, we can finally start our new year! We all have a creative side buried deep inside of us. Trust it, and set your mind on creating the vision.

There are no limitations, you just have to START!

This is your special year to discover your gifts inside! You have many…

Find the time to journal, or create your vision board for 2023. This will spark your soul. Don’t overthink this, just fall in love with your muse.

This is your year to shine, remember that, my friend!

Make it, fun, artistic, and hold your intentions close to your heart in your sacred space.

The perfect time to start is the first New Moon of the year- this Saturday, January 21, 2023!

Nothing from nothing is nothing… just start!

Blue pen to the paper, you remember the rest!

The moon is in Aquarius:




