Happy Thanksgiving + Full Moon!

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

May your cornucopia be filled with





this holiday.

Let it be the centerpiece of your dinner table.

Take some time to share your gratitude with family and friends.

On the Monday after Thanksgiving, November 27th, there will be the next Full Moon.

The moon is in the sign of Gemini: intelligent, resourceful, and humorous.

Let go of all of the stuff that no longer serves you, making a fresh start to manifest all of the good stuff you want to bring into your world.

Set all of your crystals in this amazing moon, make your moon water, and place an offering out as well.

This November moon is also called:

-The Beaver Moon

-The Frost Moon

-The Tree Moon

-The Trading Moon

Most of the names refer to wild animals preparing themselves for the winter and colder days ahead.

As we do the same, Let Gemini’s energy fill you up with inspiration and new aspirations!

