Happy Labor Day!

Happy September! Happy Labor Day!
We enjoyed our time with Waloosi, our shaman, this past Saturday. She taught us a lot of her gifted medicine. She shared her knowledge of each one of our totems, birth spirit animals- plus our colors and cardinal directions of our birth chart.The day was filled with her magical gift of sharing her Cherokee medicine. What an awesome day!
After the class, my heart was drawn to my happy place- the ocean. I was blessed with an amazing walk out in Long Island, where the locals call it “The End”… that’s because it’s the end of Long Island and the ocean meets that body of land (Montauk).

Much to my surprise, as I was walking, I was gifted two amazing pieces of ‘wampum’ and a carnelian right on the ocean floor. I spotted the brilliant purple color, and I reached down to pick it up. My breath was taken away! The quality of the pieces I found were jewelry quality. In all of my beach walks, I have NEVER spotted this, ever!
I truly cherish these two pieces, along with the next gift of my carnelian. I couldn’t wait to share this story with Waloosi, to ask her what exactly this meant.

As you walk on your path, my friends, keep your eyes open for your gifts. The spirits love to send them.

This Labor Day, Monday, is a new moon. So set those intentions and prayers for world health and peace.
The moon is in Virgo:-Detail oriented-Fixing, fussing, & getting the job done-Helpful of any sign

Saturday, September 11th, Terry will be returning with her Tibetan sound healing bowls.
And of course, every Wednesday, Gemma is here doing tarot readings or private beginner tarot classes.
