Messages from Crystals & Stones

Hi everyone,
 When you are on your journey and you happen to pick up or purchase a crystal or stone that you are drawn to…
Take a moment and thank the stone people that presented it to you.
Hold it…Rub it…Take a moment and look at the beauty in it…They hold such beauty that it truly takes your breath away.
The stone people want you to feel and see the magic that it holds.
The stone people tell us the story that they hold.
How many miles, tumbles, and turns that this stone has felt and rolled with…
Your stone carries all of the stories for thousands of years and loves to share them.Take a moment and…Sit with it and listen…
You have chosen this stone to hear the stories and feel their energies.
Life’s precious journey…
It will help you calm your soul and soothe your mind.
That’s why the stone people are on our planet.For all of us to remember and reflect and be.
Crystals and stones record so many memories.They are some times called the record keepers.
That’s why I have always loved them and collect them.
Each one of them holds a different energy and meaning.

This Saturday, Tonya will be at the shop with some more of her teachings about stones, crystals, and smudging. I am so grateful for her shared Cherokee knowledge.

This Sunday, prepare yourself for the new moon. Set your your ten intentions, program your crystals and manifest.
The moon is in Aries:- An energetic, impulsive, optimistic, and a strong sign.-The first house in the zodiac.-Fire element and a cardinal sign.

Looking forward to seeing you.