Messages From the Chief

Messages From the Chief
January, 21, 2012
Ed purchased tickets to see a show on Broadway called “Memphis” for my Christmas present. The Saturday of January 21, who would expect it to be a blizzard of snow for the ride all the way down to the big city, but we had to go.
People driving off the road and being very impatient on the highway, I didn’t even know where they were going given the conditions of the road.
We arrived at the Marriott  in the heart of Time Square. The energy, air, and fast pace of the city got me so excited to be there. I asked for a room with a view and the young lady said “For $50 more I will give you an awesome room.” and WOW, I am telling you it was unreal! 45 stories up and the entire wall looked out and down at all the lights, movie screens, buildings wrapped with Hershey bar wrappers, M&M’s, colors, birds flying by,  a beautiful view of the Hudson River. People, taxi cabs, police, I mean you could see it all just by looking out.
 “Only in NY,” I said, the night was magical to see out at this view in the night darkness with the lights just blew your mind. NY truly doesn’t sleep at night.
We had a great time eating at a Brazilian restaurant, walking around, and enjoying the Broadway musical.
The next day I wanted to have breakfast in SoHo, so we headed down there. As we were driving down Broadway, Ed said, “Meg, check it out, look across the street.”

I started to laugh. The sign on the building read “Rudy’s Bar & Grill” with a huge statue of a pig standing outside the entrance of the restaurant. I said, “Well my Dad said he was going to send me all kinds of signs,” and I knew that this was one. He loved NY city, he loved to go to Little Italy, and yes, he walked everywhere with us in the city. The thoughts of him walking with Ed and I washed through me while I was just sitting at the light, looking at the pig in front of Rudy’s Bar & Grill. Thinking about all of the NY boat shows, dinners, laughs, conversations and energy- great memories.
We both started to laugh and reminisce about my dad (“The Chief”) and his collection of pigs because he owned 2 himself- Lucifer and Diavlo. That’s what started the huge collection of pigs that were sent to him from around the world. He sent us this sign on a Sunday morning, which reminded me of the many Sunday mornings my dad spent in the kitchen, with his cast iron frying pan and Phillip Barrio olive oil, making his famous “Thousand Year Old Recipe.” I knew he was sending both of us a sign.
Well, we go to SoHo and went to a fantastic Bakery and looked for a breakfast place. We decided to get in the car and drive down to Greenwich Village, maybe to find something down there. We found a fabulous Spanish restaurant and had a awesome lunch of all types of tapas, and the waitress was great. She even gave us some Spanish olives to take home! We had a wonderful time in the Big Apple.
We decided to head home around 3:00 p.m., so Ed drove to the West side of Manhattan to jump on the Highway. While driving through the wild and crazy streets of NY, Ed says to me, “Meg, check it out. Read the license plate on the truck in front of us.” It read ‘RUDYCOOP’.

I just couldn’t believe my eyes! A New York Plate, another sign, sent to us from the Chief. Unreal! You really amaze me.
Dad, I want to thank you for the signs you’ve been throwing in our direction. You never cease to catch me offguard, and your ways of communication are so unexpected, fun and hilarious, that I can’t help but wonder what your next sign will be. Not only is your humor and wit still flourishing- your memories and energy still warm our hearts and bring us laughter. I can’t wait to see what you throw at us next!!!
Your loving daughter,
Meg xoxo