Meg's is Reopening + Happy Memorial Day!

Hi everyone,
As the world slowly seeks the light after all of the darkness so many have been in,
Remember, always…
Love is our Strongest force in the Universe!
Love conquers Fear!
I am having a slow reopening with prayers of a positive outcome.
My hours are:

May 21 Thursday 1:00-5:00

May 22 Friday      1:00-5:00

May 23 Sat.          11:00-3:00

Closed May 24 Sunday through Wednesday May 27

Thank you to all of our veterans and military men and women along with their families, that served our country.I am grateful to live in the USA, because of your services and sacrifices.Thank you to the families who had to live without their husbands or wives as they were away from each other fighting for our freedom …USA !
Happy Memorial Day! Red White and Blue, Freedom!

Open May 28, Thursday 1:00-5:00

May 28, Friday      1:00-5:00

May 29 Sat.          11:00-3:00

Closed Sunday through WednesdayI am also just an email away as a lot of you know, if you need something,

Breathe my friends,Just like the dolphins teach us,
Mana breath, Breathe.
The dolphins know when you are stressed or overwhelmed. Go back to the breath…
Dolphins teach us to live in Joy, playfulness, and lighten up…
Did you know that mom dolphins always sing to their new babies before they enter the world of the unknown?
Did you know that mom dolphins always talk to their babies constantly in their language before entering the world?

Communication in whatever the language it is, is so very important, remember, just talk…
I love to talk and share and communicate…
No wonder why I love to share my stories, My life…My journey…It’s our connection to each other,The birds,The sea life,The bugs,The two leggeds,The four leggeds, to those who walk and crawl and swim, We are all connected…Can’t wait to see you…

Huge hugs,Meg