Erika's Birthday Present

On Monday, my day off, I ran to the farm to pick up some fresh corn and my cell phone went off.  It was my sister-in-law Michelle, excited about finding a caterpillar on her parsley and not knowing what to do with it. I got so excited and said, “I just threw out the box that I had for my 13 other caterpillars that were just born into Black Swallowtail butterflies. But no problem, I’ll make another box.  Pop over and I will do what I have to do.” Michelle said, “Another sign from Dot (my Mom)!” And I said, “Oh Yeah, isn’t this just unreal?!” Well, I got home and started to create another box. As I went out my back door to where my parsley is, to dig up another plant in preparation of the caterpillar box, I just couldn’t believe my eyes. Two HUGE green caterpillars were on my parsley, UNBELIEVABLE!!! There are no coincidences, everything happens for a reason and my journey truly continues with these many gifts. We all receive signs and gifts that are presented to us every day if we are open to them. I told you that my journey has just begun and I’m grateful! My take on Michelle’s caterpillar is that it’s a gift to her daughter Erika. Thursday, August 9th is my niece’s birthday.  Because my Mom isn’t here in person she wanted to send her a gift, and what a gift she sent!
Thank you Mom!  I Love You, Meg