New Moon + Reflecting on the Ocean

The Beach…






¡Vamos a la playa!

Let’s go to the beach, my friends!

If you can’t get to the beach, bring the beach to you!

Bring out all of your beach tokens that you have collected on your beach adventures.

I know we all have a few, some more than others!

Create your own special piece for your altar or your sacred space, to reflect and bring you happiness remembering all of your great trips to the ocean.

Visualize walking on the sand with your feet getting a natural massage.

Remember where you picked up your favorite shell and/or stone, which the beach gifted to you.

Allow for yourself to smell the salty air.

We all know the ocean is a powerful place to heal, to truly let go, and to manifest…

How blessed are we all to have her so close to us!

We will all be living the salty life soon!

Monday is our New Moon.

Take a road trip to the beach, or sit and visualize her in your mind.

The moon is in Gemini, which was my mom, Dorothy.

Her happy place was the beach, and I truly have fond memories of us collecting driftwood, shells, and rocks to bring home. I know they all carry memories of the moment they were gifted to us, and I am grateful for this.

Gemini people are




