It’s Full Moon Friday!

Hi everyone,It’s that time again! This Friday is
Full Moon Friday!
The moon is in Capricorn:-Practical-Organized-A goal-setter
With this positive energy, allow it to come into your space.
Place those beautiful crystals outside to capture the energy.
Place a mason jar or a glass outside to create your own Moon Water.
Cut some of your garden flowers and place them with your crystals, making an offering to our Moon.
Sit with your guides and angels to write, write, write.
Release those ten things that no longer serve you. Write them with blue ink. Then fold your “letting go issues” three times towards you.
Don’t overthink what you’re writing. Just get them out of your mind and onto the paper.
Light your candle and burn, burn, burn them!
Do not think about those issues again. You released them, completely and totally.
This will give you room to manifest your desires when the Moon goes to the New Moon.
Afterwards, drink your Moon Water. It will charge you up with the Capricorn energy.
We all LOVE our Moon!
Remember- there is nothing constant, except Change itself!

This Saturday, July 24th, Terry will be here with her Tibetan sound healing bowls. Ring me or email me to sign up for a healing session!
Our next paint party has been rescheduled to Thursday, August 5th. Irene Hilbert will be hosting a “Parrot Head” themed paint party, with an ocean-themed painting and Jimmy Buffet music.
And of course, every Wednesday, Gemma is here doing tarot readings or private beginner tarot classes.
