Healing your heart chakra + full moon Friday

Soon it will be Full Moon Friday.
Let everything go, and let go more.
Feel it in your heart chakra.
I know how so many of us at this time are in such emotional disbelief with such negativity all around us.
I myself have a very heavily-pained heart. I received a very terrible phone call last Saturday night. On March 5th, my older brother was killed in a motorcycle accident in Florida. It’s the call no one wants to receive.
We all have been through losses, some more than others. I also truly believe that when your soul needs to go Home, you have no decision in that one.
My brother left doing what he loved, and that was being on his Harley. He loved being with his friends and having fun.
I just want to share with everyone a very strong and powerful Hawaiian mantra. It’s easy and effective, and heals your heart chakra. Some of you may already know it and do it.
It’s called “Pono Pono“, which you say out loud. It can have multiple meanings:1) I am sorry2) Please forgive me3) Thank you 4) I love you
The universe knows and hears what you are reciting.
In the state of pain that so many are feeling throughout our world, I believe that we can all use a more universal healing at this time.
Happy Healing, my friends.
