Hi everyone,
Happy Holidays!
May all of you have a beautiful holiday season,
no matter how and where you celebrate it!
I will be open daily through Christmas Eve to help you get your shopping done! (See my hours below for more details)
On Monday the 25th, enjoy the magic of a beautiful Christmas Day to those of you who celebrate the holiday. Reflect on the joy that the day means to you!
Cherish the moments spent with your family and friends,
and make sure you take time to relax amid the festivities!

Then, on Tuesday the 26th, they’ll be the last Full Moon of 2023!
The moon is in the sign of Cancer:
-Nurturing & loving
-Kind & considerate
-Increased emotions
Let go of all of the stuff that no longer serves you, making a fresh start to manifest all of the good stuff you want to bring into your world in 2024.
Set all of your crystals in this amazing moon, make your moon water, and place an offering out as well!
This past Tuesday, we celebrated the Winter Solstice celebration
in my store with Zita. It was such an amazing, beautiful, and healing evening.
The knowledge and wisdom that Zita shared with the group was incredible, as always.
Zita taught us about all of the trees- Birch, Dogwood, Elderberry, Ash, Maple, and more. Then, everyone lit the Yule logs that Ed and I made. Zita gave each one of us a message from the trees to reflect on and carry with us into the New Year.
We all shared our stories with the group, which was so special.
Messages are all around us, and it’s the perfect time of year to look out for and appreciate them as we welcome the new adventures of 2024!
Meg’s Extended December Hours
Open Tuesday, December 19th through Saturday, December 23rd
11:00-5:30 PM
Open Sunday, December 24th (Christmas Eve)
11:00-3:30 PM