While on our most-recent boating trip, Ed and I saw a fox walking down the beach! I couldn’t believe my eyes.
A fox!
Yes, it was wild!
Then, the other night I was watching the “dumb box”,
and I found out there’s a tremendous amount of foxes living on the beaches of the Jersey Shore!
I couldn’t believe the pics people captured; they are adorable.
It was so cool though to have seen one ourselves!
But the program was asking people to stay away, because the foxes are having their families. They are wild animals.
But I guess even the foxes love to smell the ocean air and have their toes in the sand!
We have plenty of wildlife in our own backyard as well- Baltimore Orioles, hummingbirds, and wrens. They’re are all over and I’m loving it!
Our bluebirds are also zipping around. The tanzanite blue color of these amazing bluebirds just takes your breath away.
This time of year brings out such beautiful colors as well, from all of the plantings last Fall. The trees are so lush green too.
I guess that’s why we live in New England!
I planted our garlic, and we turned over our garden boxes to prepare them for all of the great produce.
There’s nothing like walking out into your garden and picking fresh produce and knowing where it came from. It’s a true labor of love…
We have been blessed with an incredible spring so far.
Happy Planting…
Happy Bird-Viewing…
Happy Enjoying the Outdoors!
This Friday, May 19th, is the new moon, my friends.
Manifest those intentions. Since we are out of retrograde, this is a perfect time to make things happen.
Place those crystals outside; they love to bask in the moonlight every chance they get.
The moon is in Gemini:
-Great conversationalist
-Full of life & energy
My mom was a Gemini, and I miss our endless conversations and moments spent laughing.
She truly loved life with a ton of fun involved.
She taught me a lot, especially doing these rituals together.
Happy Manifesting!
See you soon!