Dad’s Lenny Story, March 20, 2008

I was struggling to understand and face the demons that have been haunting my fathers mind DAILY, yes created his own DRAMA, Not I, not his children, and not his lovely wife that is here only in spirit. The look in this older man’s eyes as he fears the years ahead leaving behind his old ways, old patterns and old doubts. I knew he did need help if he only would allow me to intervene. Well, it didn’t just eat him up, it ate me up inside day after day and night after night. Stressing, worrying, and trying to understand. Not sleeping. I kept asking “What should I do? Please Help me. I know I’m gifted please help me with this weight that I can’t lift. Let this go.”

Well the next morning I got up and just started to write and write and write questions that I truly needed answers to. I want the TRUTH, I want to know who? What? Where and how???
Just question after question, I wrote them out on paper…
After I reviewed my questions I saw that I don’t understand why people have to live in lies. Not wanting to tell you the truth. TRUTH about the real story. That’s when I said, “Meg, change your attitude towards your approach.” Where and how can I trust? So on that some thought pattern I turned to the Emmet Fox’s book, “Around the Year with Emmet Fox” to the Date of this morning which was March 20th. I almost fell over. The first sentence in the passage read like this.
“Truth never changes, but what we have to deal with on this plane is man’s apprehension of the truth, and throughout historical time, this has been steadily and continuously becoming more plain to us.”
Jesus summed up his truth, taught it completely and thoroughly, on and on it went.
Enough to know that I was being guided to the truth. I just knew. The voices that I heard were “Meg, Make the phone calls and ask the questions, just be truthful and honest with your self. You will hear the answers to the TRUTH. With that intention in mind, guiding me I truly knew I will receive what I am meant to.
Driving to work just outside our driveway as I approached the end of our short street, I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I turned to look at the curb next to the street and I saw a huge, huge red tail hawk with his claws pressing very hard on his prey. I said, “God, please don’t have it be our bunny that I see running in our yard.” As I backed up the car, the huge bird of prey had a dead squirrel in it’s claws and the bird’s eyes met mine. It just stared at me. The yellow eyes penetrating mine, I was face to face with this hawk. He and myself just staring at each other. I’m grateful it’s not our bunny and I said a prayer for the squirrel. Then with energy of this massive bird, a car door length away from me I just sit with the hawk asking, give me your power, give me your strength, and give me the truth. I know you have power, the energy, and you can tear heads off. That’s what I need, help me, please. Taking in the energy from this hawk. I know within my heart the answers that I was seeking, “The Truth” that I wanted to know, would be given to me. Nothing was stopping my mission and I felt strong and courageous to stay on course. I arrived at work and made some VERY brave phone calls with a lot of questions in my conversation. The answers that I received made me feel so at peace. The weight that I was carrying around for years. I felt like I could breath a breath of fresh air. Then I started to laugh because my guides just deal in truth. I know that, but when you have to deal with other people’s drama and you’re NOT a drama queen. It does effect your energy flow and how you live your life. The truth is always easier, and as light as a feather. Remember, if in doubt just be truthful. You will feel light even if the story is uncomfortable to explain. Thank you for sending me the hawk messenger from above, and teaching me TRUTH!

I am grateful without a doubt,