“No Reservations” September 2021

Ed and I left the Mystic River Marina on Saturday morning- Sept. 25 at 7:00 am.

We loaded up boat with food, and we were off.

Ed had the Margarita bottom painted, zinced, and waxed the week before departure.

She was going through her spa treatment on the hard.

Couldn’t wait for the bow thruster to get repaired. Ed said, “There’s no more time, I’ll fix them myself in route, we got to go, now…!”

We had an amazing run on the Long Island sound on Saturday. It was a ten.

“¡Perfecto!” as my chica Rosa, my girlfriend from Miami, would say.

Going through the East River, the Coast Guard  came on and announced the east side of the river is shut down due to the UN meetings, ugh.

I was stressed about getting through, but it all worked out.

I called the Coast Guard. He was great. He explained to me, “Use the west side of the river, just past Hell’s Gate.”

Ok, cool.

Well, Hell’s Gate is, hell’s gate…

It’s like a roaring jacuzzi in that body of water.

I figured when we got through, that it would calm down.

No, this trip was wild! The entire river was like a jacuzzi due to the wind. It was creating huge waves and crazy currents and tides.

But I love going through the city, it’s like eye candy to me.

The energy of the city was alive and hopping. Helicopters, water taxis, jet skiers (I can’t believe they are jet skiing in the east river, but that’s a New Yorker!), lots of cruise rides, Staten island water taxis zipping back and forth, and packed.

It made me happy to see New York alive and well. The buildings always just take my breath away seeing them from this view.

The bridges just blew my mind as we cruised under them. The structures and designs were just wicked cool and amazing, and I truly never tire of seeing it.

We got to Sandy Hook at 6:30 pm, and Wow! We had an amazing, breathtaking sunset.

It was like a lake too.

We made food and prepared and enjoyed the evening.

Sunday morning, the boat was rocking like crazy.

The wind was coming down the Hudson full throttle, the north wind was whipping and creating waves like crazy.

We pulled anchor and headed out to sea.

The sunrise just takes your breath away seeing the fireball rise up on the ocean.

The wind just didn’t let up all day, clocking 25 to 30 creating the ocean just to be a little sporty.

Our friends from Miami actually were on the outside and it was really rough for them too.

It was an adventure and when we pulled into the Cape May causeway, we were greeted with tons of my dolphins! They were jumping, rolling around, and having a blast.

I was so excited to be greeted by them, they take breath away.

We docked in Cape May and our friends on their Nordhaven, Rosa and Ed and their furry friend, Dory, were all ready there.

We had an amazing dinner out and the evening was awesome.

Enjoy the pic

It’s always an adventure on the water…

Sea you out there,
