The Miracle Story Continued…
I am sure that a lot of my friends know how grateful I am for how well my cat, Sambucca, is doing. This is an update not just to share with you her great results, but to say ‘thank you’ for all of your prayers and positive thinking for Sambucca’s healing.
Five weeks after I got Sambucca back, she started to walk and also climb up the stairs. It was unbelievable to watch after you have watched a cat just dragging her hind legs behind her body in a yoga posture for weeks, not knowing if she would ever walk right again. I used many different healing techniques. I exercised her legs- rotating them and propping her up to stand. I did Reiki and energy work on her, as well as calling upon God, St. Francis, the Archangel Raphael, and my guides for help. The results were just unreal and exciting. Sambucca still babies one leg just a little bit but she will overcome that too. I know that.
I just needed to be patient with her and let go of the outcome. I needed to turn it over to a higher power and allow the healing to work. The outcome is just so awesome, and now I can focus on healing others that need my energy. The gratitude and love which heals us all is just so powerful, and this teaches me and reinforces that we all have the gift; we simply have to use it.
Again, thank you.With love and gratitude,